Organisational Structure
LIFE-To & Beyond Re-Structured!
Organizational Structure of LIFE-To & Beyond
(Updated January 2024)
Team LIFE-To & Beyond:
Team Members in LIFE-To & Beyond actively participate in organizational management or engage in various projects. To join the team, individuals must undergo a formal screening process and contribute to the membership fee.
The Team is comprised of:
A. Trustee Body (Trustees):
The Trustee Body serves as a strategic administrative group, consisting of leaders along with the signatories. Trustees have the authority to propose new Team Members, Projects, Investments, or Others, and decisions are made through a 2/3rd majority Trustee vote for implementation.
B. Team Members (Teammates):
Team Affiliates/TAs (report directly to Trustees)
Working Group/WG with WG Coordinators/WGCs and Working Group Associates/WGAs
Project Teams with Project Coordinators/PCs and Project Associates/Pas
Patron Team Members/PTMs (provide financial support to the Initiatives of LIFE-To & Beyond)
Community LIFE-To & Beyond (Community Members):
Community Members are registered with the LIFE-To & Beyond mailing list, and our community is open to all at no cost. It includes:
The Beyonder’s Newsletter Club (Free/Patron subscribers)
Space & Astrobiology Club members
LIFE-To & Beyond Interns
LIFE-To & Beyond Mentors
(The Team LIFE-To & Beyond is also included in the Community).
Network LIFE-To & Beyond:
Our Network is free and open to all, with or without registration, and includes:
WhatsApp Community members
Social Media followers or subscribers
(The Community and Team LIFE-To & Beyond are both included in the Network).
Organisational Structure
(Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity)
At LIFE-To & Beyond, we all work together at the same levels together with each other. We are a Team-centric & Community-spirited Organization! As opposed to the conventional organizational structures like the branched or hierarchical models, our thoughtful organizational structure includes elements like Venn diagrams to ensure Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) in the organization. In a nutshell, LIFE-To & Beyond is truly OPEN TO ALL!
Note: Please use the phrases, 'Team LIFE-To & Beyond' and 'Community LIFE-To & Beyond' responsibly as both represent different sets of people in the organization. All Team Members are Community Members but not all Community Members are Team Members. This has been done to ensure the Organisation is driven by actively working Team Members and empowered and supported by a greater sense of Community engagement.
Venn-Diagram Representation of Organisational Structure of LIFE-To & Beyond.
Last Updated: 21st January 2024 (Subject to Revision over time)
Let's make a diverse and inclusive space ecosystem together!